Saturday, October 8, 2011

This is rather sad.

This is all the pictures I took of our last TWO Wiistmandays!  Three.  Very sad indeed.  I may have scrimped on the photos, but we still had fun.  Last Friday the girls and I headed to Timbra's house for a movie and dinner.  The girls partly watched Tangled and partly played.  Timbra and I made chicken tacos.  They were very good.  Then, this week the girls all came to our house for some zucchini bread and free play.  


Timbra said...

eh. . .it's okay to sometimes be more involved in our own hanging out, than capturing THEIR time together. . ALSO, the last two times there have been SO few reasons for us to step in, we've actually been able to be friends and carry on full conversations and finish thoughts without someone crying from another room. . . i think i have EIGHT photos from the last two times together, so i win :P

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures, but I'm glad you all are having too much fun. You trained 'em well and they know how to have a good time on their own!