Sunday, July 11, 2010

Nursing and pregnant

When my husband, Jeff, and I were trying to conceive our second child I learned that I have PCOS or polycycstic ovarian syndrome. It was a long process that ended with the fertility drug clomid and the conception of our beautiful daughter Lila. When we decided to try for baby number three I was still nursing Lila and didn't want to wean just to try to become pregnant when I knew well that it might be a long and tiresome process that may or may not end with a pregnancy.

I decided not to go to an OB/GYN again as I didn't want to hear that I needed to wean and take clomid again. That just didn't seem right. I instead sought the care of a naturopathic physician who specializes in hormone therapy. This was something that was completely safe to do while breastfeeding. Not only did I not have to wean or take clomid, but I started having regular cycles and was pregnant before I knew it!

Just as I had not weaned Lila to try to conceive I didn't feel right about weaning her just because I was pregnant. I have very healthy, normal pregnancies, so I knew I could continue. My midwife confirmed that it was fine to continue to breastfeed my daughter. Even though I was eating well I still lost weight in the beginning of my pregnancy. Nursing an active two year old combined with morning sickness did not lend itself to weight gain. Still, my midwife was supportive and not at all phased by my lack of gain (and I did make up for it later.)

This was a completely new adventure for me as my first two children are nine years apart. I realized that the continuation of nursing during pregnancy could lead to tandem nursing. I wasn't completely sure if I wanted to do that or not, but I decided to go with the flow and just see what would happen.
I was lucky that I only had minimal discomfort nursing while pregnant. I read Adventures in Tandem Nursing by Hilary Flower and was very happy with my decision.

At about four months into my pregnancy my milk began to dry up. Lila would continually ask to switch sides or say all gone. She cut back on nursing all on her own and sooner or later she was only nursing every now and again. By the time I was five months pregnant Lila was asking for drinks of water instead of asking to nurse. I was happy that she weaned on her own and that I had given her the opportunity to decide to stop and not decide for her just because I was pregnant.

After Clarissa was born there were times that I wished Lila had continue to nurse. I felt it might have been an easier transition into big sisterhood. However, this was not in the cards for us and I am still happy that I continued to nurse during pregnancy.

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