Saturday, July 31, 2010
Up North 2010 Day 3: Hello Lake Cochran!
Day three in Wisconsin began with a mellow start in our cabin, Gooding. We had some breakfast and headed out for fun & family.

Kurtis kayaking

Time for a swim!
Chris & Mia



Mia had had enough. She was ready for a nap.
I hand the camera over to Carrie and dive in!

Ella & Johnathan
Some of the ladies out on the lake
Kurtis gears up to take Clarissa out.
Jeff snapped a few of Kurtis, Clarissa, Kate and I out on the lake

the kids gathered all the weeds from the swim area and made a HUGE pile!

And there was actually more, unrecorded fun. Jeff took the girls to town to buy them fishing poles and worms. Katie and I took a kayak around the lake, but after several stern "don't do it's" I decided to leave my camera behind, so it's just a memory.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Up North 2010 Day 2, Part 1: The beginning
Day two, our first full day up north, I just couldn't sleep. I was happy to be there and I could hear the early morning calm lake calling my name. Just begging to be photographed. So with everyone sleeping soundly I grabbed my camera and headed outside!

We headed over to the beach first thing looking for milk for breakfast and coffee, because Mama needs coffee! We found the many of the cousins already hard at play.

The kids love to fish off the dock with a loaf of bread and a net.

I wish I loved fishing as much a Lila!

Once we got some coffee we all headed up to the big house for a big breakfast. No green smoothies here! Pancakes, eggs, sausage and fruit!

Jimmy and Jeff tell stories of childhood injuries.

Good Mama!

Aunt Mare

Time for some outdoor play

All that running around gets even kids tired!

My little (*snicker*) boy


Ali & Kate

James and Lila

Clarissa takes Grandpa for a walk. They were actually walking backwards away from me here.

Stay tuned for day 3!
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