Wednesday, August 18, 2010

mom day 2 & guess who tied her shoe!?

Lila learned to tie her new shoes that Grandma got for her! Go Lila!

Shopping for soccer gear

water time!
cannon ball!!!

Kurtis has out grown us all. I think there are only a couple of grandpas left who are taller!
Grandma also got the kids some new toys. The girls each got a "leaptop" and Kurtis, Avatar!
thanks for all the goodies & good times Mom!

1 comment:

Timbra Wiist said...

oh good, now the girls can bring their leaptops over to play and no fighting over them. . . . i think we probably need to rebattery ours. . . fun times fun times! lila IS so animated with her big sparkly eyes!