Saturday, February 13, 2010

Can someone please tell me...

WHY it is necessary to have two 7-11s on the same street corner!? This kills me every day when I drive by. They are directly across the street from one another!?


Renee said...

I was STOPPED at the light when I took this BTW~

Ginger Horsburgh said...

That IS crazy! I guess it's so no matter which direction you're traveling it's convenient to stop at the Sev for some junk food and cigs! Haha!

Timbra Wiist said...

oh, i thought maybe you took this while you were staking it out, since your credit card reading device was inside and you were thieving $11000 from the general public since Dec 1 (i HOPE you at least saw the news blip today so I don't sound COMPLETELY ridiculous!)