Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Another day at the office...

Here is Jeff at work last week. Here is what Jeff had to say regarding these pictures...

Air Carbon Arc Gouging, or just arc gouging. 120" diameter, 1/2" thick. These pipes were laid a couple years ago because the city wanted to build a road over them. Now a full pipeline is going in, they have to bury these pipes four feet deeper. I am cutting them out so they can pull them out.

some info on it http://www.twiprofessional.com/content/jk12.html.

...I'm not too sure about all that, but it looks SUPER COOL!


Timbra Wiist said...

how are you allowed to go and take pix of him? very cool looking! you're going to become an industrial photographer or something :) balanced with photos of your sweet babies ;P

Renee said...

Jeff's co-worker took them! :P