Saturday, February 6, 2010

Out and about

We usually go to the Sandy Library, but this week I decided it was time to switch it up. We went to the Whitmore Library and every time I do I always think we should go there more. They have an amazing tent that the kids LOVE to sit and read in and a really cool puppet show set up!

I often braid Clarissa's hair and Lila jumped on the band wagon so I really wanted a picture because she looked so cute. Well, this lead to a lot of posing. I think the pictures speak for themselves...

On Wednesday I got the girls all ready to go and headed upstairs to get dressed. When I came down it was quiet. The kind of quiet that doesn't occur in my house. Then I hear quiet whispering coming from the closet. The girls shut themselves in to hide! They both balked when I opened the door!

And finally out of the closet we head to school.

1 comment:

Timbra Wiist said...

thursday you went swimming, but your friend can't get the camera to upload to the computer. . . so you'll just have to keep waiting for pix that i don't even know will be awesome. . .love the pix of posing lila. . . you KNOW we're all about the posing around here!