This weekend was wonderful. An old friend from Australia, Clara, and her boyfriend Leith (hope I spelled that right) were visiting and we got to spend some quality time together. They showed up at Kurtis' soccer game on Saturday and then joined us for dinner and catch-up. Then Monday morning I took the girls up to Snowbird where they were staying and we had a good time. We started off with lunch and hot cocoa on the tram deck...

Then we headed off for a bit of a walk. Unfortunately, Lila spilled her hot chocolate and didn't want to go on.

The day was beautiful and so was the company!

There was some spicy music playing outside the Keyhole that we all enjoyed grooving to!

Then we finished up our day making s'mores over a fire in Clara and Leith's room.

It was a wonderful visit. I only hope it's not another nine years before we meet again!