Thursday, March 4, 2010

Accident Week

(Thankfully, everyone in this post is FINE, so don't worry!)

So far this week...

I fell in the tub while holding Clarissa resulting in a trip to the doctor's office and a set of bruised/cracked ribs for Mom.

Kurtis got In-school suspension for teasing a classmate.

My Aunt Dolores dropped her granddaughter (my cousin Greg's baby, Riley) while giving her a bath resulting to a trip to the ER and a knot on Riley's head.

Clarissa pulled the baby monitor charger from a high window sill resulting in a gashed cheekbone and a trip to the urgent care clinic across the street.

My Uncle Tom wrecked his motorcycle resulting in a banged & cut up head.

Clarissa cut open her lip on a toy. My niece Mia decided to eat some dog food resulting in her choking and Katie dialing 911.

Clarissa was bit on the finger by a girl her age while playing at a friend's house.

Friday. Well, Friday isn't here yet. BRING IT!

Clarissa's shiner. Her Daddy is so proud!

1 comment:

Timbra Wiist said...

holy moly lady. . . . . well, we're coming to visit next week and i hope it's accident free. . .sorry it was such a rough week, takes an emotional toll on top of the physical one!!!!