Monday, February 21, 2011

patties and pizzas

Today was fun cooking day. I've been trying out recipes from the book Allergy-Free Desserts by Elizabeth Gordon. Last week I made the yummiest carrot cake ever and today I took a whirl at peppermint patties (my very most favorite treat.) I also used my bread machine to make pizza, so it was a delicious day!

Patties in the making

Ready to devour!
Dinner, mmmm

I think Lila said I was the best mom ever for making pizza.

Because I'm lazy & didn't want to type out the recipe, I took pictures of it. If you want to duplicate and you can't make out the directions, just let me know & I'll get to it. And by the way, you can use corn syrup or the like in place of Lyle's Golden Syrup. I used corn syrup. Also, I cut the recipe in half for fear of what would happen if I had three dozen patties in my house at once. It made one dozen and there are only two left in my fridge. Probably a wise move.

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